Our complete solution for your practice

As podiatrist, podotherapist, orthopaedist, physiotherapist or podopostural therapist, you know how complex the subject of good foot treatment is. Just as you tailor your care to meet the individual needs of your patients, we tailor our complete solution to your practice. LFT offers a comprehensive package of products, training and services that are guaranteed to help you create perfect bespoke insoles for your patients.

LFT produces your bespoke insoles quickly, professionally and completely according to your requirements.

Have you designed your patients’ insoles using our hardware and added all the desired elements using our software? Then it's time to produce the insoles. You decide which phases of the production process you want to outsource to LFT. This process consists of 4 phases.

Good to know: the production time of a fully bespoke and finished off insole takes about 4 working days on average, depending on your requirements.